Located in the magical town of Bacalar, is the CHAK-SOL hotel. It has rooms for 2 and up to 6 people, with 24-hour attention and available for your stay at affordable prices.
At Hotel Chak-Sol, you will find a terrace, garden, and laundry or dry cleaning service. You can connect to free Wi-Fi in the rooms.
These are some more of the services at this hotel:
Free parking.
Smoking is not allowed on the property.
Storage of luggage and outdoor furniture.
Assistance for purchasing tours or tickets.
Room features:
All rooms at Hotel Chak-Sol have amenities, such as air conditioning or free Wi-Fi.
Other services that you will also find in the rooms include:
Flat screen televisions with cable channels
Ceiling fans and cleaning service.
Hot and cold water.
Come and book with us
983 119 1312
24 hours available
Calle 19 Libramiento entre calle 34 & 36 Luis Donaldo Colosio